Winter/Spring 2022 Strength Program – P2S3


The emphasis of this phase is continued development of General Physical Preparation (GPP) through foundational exercises in the 7 primary movement patterns (gait, squat, hinge, lunge, push, pull, rotate). However, the second phase is designed to explore range of motion (ROM) by getting into the position where maximal tension can be created, then held isometrically for a period of time. 

Instructions: Perform 2-3 sets of 1 repetition of each exercise. For lateral and unilateral exercises, perform 2-3×1 on each side. Exercises will be performed in order, one after the other, in a circuit. For this phase, there will be an isometric count.  Rather than increasing the number of repetitions, the exercise will become harder by creating tension for longer times. Exercise 1 is the exception to this and is denoted with an asterisk. Take at 90 seconds rest between rounds.

Yielding Isometrics: 2-3×1 repetition each
Week 1: 35-45 second hold, rest 35-45 seconds
Week 2: 45-55 second hold, rest 35-45 seconds
Week 3: 55-65 second hold, rest 35-45 seconds
Week 4: 65-75 second hold, rest 35-45 seconds


The emphasis of this day is to incorporate exercises that are done with one leg or arm. These exercises cover all planes of motion and are the basis for rotational exercises in later phases.

Primer: Tibialis Raise x50, KOT Calf Raise x25 (or x25 each), KOT Split Squat 5×5 each
Break these up however necessary.

  1. Single Leg Snapdown, 3 second hold, Skater Jump- 6 repetitions*
  2. Split Squat
  3. Push-up (Elbows 90 Degrees)
  4. Cook Lift
  5. Bent TYIs (1 per set)
  6. Side Plank w/ Abduction

*no isometric count