Winter/Spring 2022 Strength Program – P4S3

PHASE 4: Speed of Movement & Explosive Muscle Strength

The emphasis of this phase is speed of movement and explosive muscle strength with a small external resistance. After Phases 1-3, where general physical preparation was developed into general strength and specific strength, the goal is to capitalize on that strength in the form of explosiveness.

Instructions: Perform all 3 sets of each exercise, following prescribed repetitions of each. For lateral and unilateral exercises, perform prescribed repetitions on each side. Exercises will be performed in order with their superset. Exercise 1a. is always a jumping movement for power, and is the only exercise that has a different repetition scheme noted below.

Power Training:
Week 1: 3×8 (Jump 3×2)
Week 2: 3×10 (Jump 3×3)
Week 3: 3×6 (Jump 3×1) [down week]
Week 4: 3×12 (Jump 3×4)


The emphasis of this day is to incorporate exercises that are done with one leg or arm. These exercises cover all planes of motion and are the basis for rotational exercises in later phases.

Primer: Tibialis Raise x50, KOT Calf Raise x25 (or x25 each), KOT Split Squat 5×5 each
Break these up however necessary

1a. 80/20 Squat Jump (hands on hips)
1b. Reverse Lunge

2a. Single Leg Glute Bridge
2b. Dead Bug

3a. Alternating Bent Over Press
3b. Alternating Superman