Each athlete has their own story, their own progression, and their own goals. Find below highlights of some of their successes.
2020 gave us lemon, we made lemonade and hydrated with it! Stay tuned as we update this page to display some of the incredible highlights of the Summer/Fall season!
FRANK – From a 3:38 to a 2:58 Marathon!
TERESA – From a 3:27 to a 3:12 and then to a 3:01 at the 2019 New York City Marathon.
VICKY runs a 2:52:11 negative split marathon debut, followed by a 2:47:23 just months later.
DMYTRO – The first Ukrainian to complete all 6 World Marathon Majors under 3 hours!
STEPHEN – 23rd Marathon: First Sub-3!
MARIELA runs a PR and first ever negative split-marathon in 3:00:11 after two years of being sidelined by injuries.
“Linking up with @coachmedinanyc has been one of the best decisions of my running life. I’m very excited to see what we can accomplish at the Brooklyn Half and Grandma’s Marathon.” -ANDY
“One of my resolutions for 2018 was to run more and to challenge myself after letting running take a backseat to other things in my life for the past few years. I ran 2,277 miles this year (compared to 650 in 2017!) and had some exciting personal bests (20 minute PR and BQ in the #philadelphiamarathon!). I started working with @coachmedinanyc, and I don’t think I ever would have been able to reach my goals without the support, motivation, and guidance they have provided. I’ve learned a lot about myself in the past year, and I look forward to seeing what 2019 brings!”
“Thanks to the unending support from my incredible girlfriend Bahar and the top-notch training from @coachmedinanyc and @marie11201 I not only beat every speed goal that I ever set for myself, but I hit them by the 15k mark of the #unitednychalf so that I could relax and enjoy the extraordinary sights and sounds of a closed-off Times Square and the huge smiles on my parents’ faces as I waved to them at mile 11 with us all knowing that I was finally going to break 1:30 after a year and a half of trying.”
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